This used to be my blog that went along with The Cattail Creek Cafe
Now enjoy the delicious dessert recipes shared here!
My coffee business started five years ago. Before the coffee stand I had been running a candy stand except some of my friends followed and I had a lot of competiton. This inspired me to do something with less competition. So then the coffee stand was created, it was perfect because not many kids my age would want to wake up at 5:30 Mon-Fri during the summer. The Coffee Stand was slow starting up, but when people knew I was out there I had customers.... even regulars. During my second year a few customers were suggesting names for my stand, instead of the boring "Coffee Stand" I had been calling it at the time. Later I chose The Cattail Creek Cafe as the new name. All is fun and profitable but defienetly the worst part of running the coffee stand is waking up at 5:30 to make the coffee and get things ready. But overall it's a fun experience!