Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Truth Behind Discontinued

You may have wondered why some items weren't offered or why some have been discontinued.  This was due to less business days this year, and lack of profit selling the specific items.  Meaning the recipes were too expensive to make when there was no guarantee how many I would sell.  But if you have a favorite muffin feel free to special order.  Info under contact page.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A New Name

If you have recently been or seen my stand you might have realized the name changed. Yes it did. It changed this Monday to Cattail Creek Cafe. Many customers have suggested names such as Jack's Pit-Stop, Jack's Coffee & Snacks and Java Jack's. These were considered, but I liked the name Cattail Creek Cafe, just because.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Coffee Stand Disaster

Going on 3 years of running a coffee stand curbside nothing disastrous had ever happened. As usual I borrowed 2 coffee carafes from relatives to use to keep the coffee hot. Well yesterday was a disaster. I woke up as usual at 5:25am and brewed the daily first pot of coffee. Soon after that my mom saw business was picking up and brewed a second pot. When ready I quickly ran up and back making sure not to miss any potential customers. Customers kept coming. Another. And another. HHmmm looks like a third pot is needed. Well it's 9:00 time to pack up for the morning. So I gather materials and carefully toss used napkins and coffee trash into the messy cooler. I pick up both coffee carafes and begin to step down off the storm-drain platform I use as a surface for the stand. SPLAT.... there goes both carafes I was using. It happened like that very quickly. They were crushed to bits inside. Completely unusable. Worst part, they weren't even mine. Now, of course this was not supposed to happen!